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Tracking an Event

Events are the fundament of Fugu. An event has a name (required) and properties (optional). The name is a simple string. The properties attribute has the format JSON (or stringified JSON) and is expected to contain key-value-pairs. Use the name to describe your event, and the properties to save further data along with your event. In Fugu, you can analzye your data based on event names and properties.

To send an event to the Fugu API, call the events endpoint (replacing with wherever you're hosting Fugu) with a POST request that contains a body formatted as application/json. Here's an example:

curl "" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"api_key": "very_secret",
"name": "Signed Up",
"properties": {
"platform": "web",
"plan": "starter"

As you can see, you also need to send along your api_key that you can find in your project settings.

Event Name

The event name is a string and can be anything you want. Make sure to stick with an event name once chosen, because events are grouped together by their names.


Event names need be formatted as String, can be maximally 25 characters long and only contain numbers, letters and spaces. Before being saved, event names are capitalized. For example, if you set your event name to "Signed up", it will be saved as "Signed Up". The event names "all" and "All" are reserved by Fugu and you can't use them.

Event Properties

Event properties are additional data that you might want to save along with your events. When analyzing your data, you can use event properties to break down your data deeper.


Event properties need to be formatted as JSON (or stringified JSON). The values are converted to String before being saved and currently only one level of nesting is allowed. For example, if you send an event property like this:

// don't do this
"device_info": {
"os": "iOS 13",
"model": "iPhone 11"

It will be saved like this:

"device_info": "{\"os\": \"iOS 13\", \"model\": \"iPhone 11\"}"

Therefore, flatten your properties before sending them over. Like this:

// do this instead
"device_os": "iOS 13",
"device_model": "iPhone 11"

Per our terms of service, you are not allowed to track personally identifiable information and we enforce that by checking of property names or values may contain such information. For example, this can be IP addresses or email addresses.

Disallowed property names

The following property names are disallowed or reserved:

  • "all"
  • "All"
  • "ip_address" (and variations)
  • "email" (and variations)
  • "phone" (and variations)

We might update this list in the future.